ES Gateway Setup Guide


Updating and Troubleshooting ES

Step 1: Updating ES

Step 2: Issues With Old Versions

If you’ve used an old version of ES or encounter other issues, please reboot your computer.

Step 3: Troubleshooting RunDLL Errors

If nothing happens or you encounter a RunDLL error when running as an administrator, place the ES file in the C:\ directory.

Disabling Security Features

Ensure that all of these are disabled:

IMPORTANT: Start build file as admin first, before starting the game client (LCU). DO NOT RUN ES WHILE THE GAME CLIENT (LCU) IS RUNNING! If you close LCU, you must start ES again before opening LCU again.

Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Close Any Riot Process

Ensure any RIOT process is closed to avoid detection and banning.

Step 2: Run Build.Bat As Administrator

Step 3: Select Update Server

Step 4: Open League Of Legends Launcher

Once logged in, open the game lobby. The ES interface and CMD window will disappear.

Step 5: Automatic Injection

The script will automatically inject after you enter the game. Re-run Build.bat only if you restart your computer or update the ES version.

Tutorial Video

For a visual guide, please refer to this tutorial video.